Michael P. Johnson - Accept God's Proof.....

2014-10-29 2

Children laughing, babies crying
Grownups both here and there
Life enjoying, fearing dying
Just God alone knows where

Is there anyone to change this?
Anywhere on earth to see?
Could or would Heaven arrange this?
Through Christ's death on the tree?

Why else would Jesus die that day
Suffer such dreadful pain
If this was not The Father's way
Through Jesus birth again

For Jesus Himself when risen
Clear the world to see
Went even in hell's foul prison
To set the faithful free

Revealed in truth, actual fact
Life ends not in a grave
Through Jesus' blood, His selfless act
Man's sinful soul could save

With hope the gesture, faith the key
Since reading Christ's account
Believing God will set us free
To climb Salvation's mount

Zion, David's fabrication
God's self select land
Dwelled and served His chosen nation
Safe guided in His hand

Fools alone dismiss this story
God had written souls to free
God with ring gives crowns in glory
Who with Jesus Christ agree.....

Michael P. Johnson
