Michael P. Johnson - Consider Within.....

2014-10-29 0

Why, continually sinning?
When God is all too plain
Instructing how easy winning
Life's crown, when born again

Beginning as a baby once more
A child, in true love's arms
As though you'd never sinned before
Causing Heaven's alarms

God sees and knows all intentions
All lies all truths inside
All demonic sly inventions
One's sinful soul would hide

In truth God and Heaven exists
Satan, the devil's real
Beyond self's bewildering mists
Facts one can see and feel

Look at your eyes, your ears your nose
Your kidneys lungs and heart
Think a moment, would wisdom suppose
Evolution made one part

Feelings; God gave His creation
All life upon the earth
Somehow reacts to sensation
Somehow begets new birth

Life's information's essential
Above, beyond mankind
God alone supports each credential
Mind's eye can see not blind

Open yours! lend God an ear
Where will you soon belong?
Seek now life's Creator here
Let wisdom sing it's song.....

Michael P. Johnson
