Dr John Celes - The Tree of Corruption

2014-10-29 4

Trace the roots of the corruption tree
And the tap-root that feeds
The trunk that's grown mammoth in girth
And forms the branches it needs
And the crown that climbs higher each hour
Towards the sun and rain to sing
Who nurture it incessantly
For leaves and fruits to bring
The tree of corruption long-lived
Propagating in all ways
Unless the people supporting it
Cut off its sap and days
This tree has grown too gigantic
And dwarfs good trees around
Uproot the evil tree for once
And hack the wood to burn
The world would be much better off
If corruption is curbed
But start today to eliminate
The corruption tree forever.
And wars could be a remote thing
As peace and love prevail.

Copyright by Dr John Celes 2-10-2014

Dr John Celes
