Yes it is one of the finest achievements
To feel proud and live with the moment
First of its kind never heard by developing countries
But we have failed to pictures miseries
Millions are starving
Another millions are daily dying
Even in our own country, females are not allowed
To take free breathe and see open world
Mothers shed tears over loss of their daughters
Repent the cruel behavior of male brothers
What has happened them at the outset?
Why are we suffering early fate?
No doubt the feat can be celebrated
It is feather in cap and we are all elated
But can we afford when we need more attention
At home front for poverty alleviation
For purification of rivers we may need years
God only knows if that is proved wrong sans fears
Let poorest of poor feel part of our victory drive
Let them have two square meals to survive?
Mars shine may fade sometimes but not grain godowns!
They speak about our negligence and ignorance
Cattle and human beings suffer for criminal wastage
We have yet to come off the age
hasmukh amathalal