Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. - Block of Wood

2014-10-29 15

Lukewarmness shakes hands
with repugnant mediocrity
paving ways to vast lands -
slavery of infidelity...
banishing from thoughts
Bronze Feet
dismissing out of hand
Incontestable Strength
Triumphal Immutability
mystified by Divine Attribute -
sharing in Unsurpassed Divinity
Tree of Life - full of glory
Transfigured immortality...

Haughty boots
tramp on grounds of
unthinkable fancies,
engaged in lawless.
puerile levity, bitter frenzies
indelible with leukemia of ideas,
infectious passive consent,
decaying ego trip lament,
doziness, heaviness of 'I'
title maniacs, self-proclaimed experts,
dilly-dallying, shilly-shallying
sitting on the fence
sages, geniuses of decadence!

Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D.

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