Kumarmani Mahakul - In Banks of Poems

2014-10-29 7

Treasure of wealth is kept in secret bank,
Various poets keep poems in row of rank.
Topics they cover over sad date and tank,
Love, life and nature further they thank. [1]

Creative assets poems are the poets too,
Some imagine world heaven, hell and zoo.
Poems are kept in banks of human arts,
Many times they touch readers' hearts. [2]

Poets write poems on nature and nurture
Some poets write on torture and culture.
Here winds write poems and also water,
Nature also worships God to have better. [3]

People come to bank of poems to read,
Different poems they read and so lead.
Some of them read about sad and love,
Seek the poems like spiritual and dove. [4]

Let's choose banks of poems the best,
Various notes like five, ten and the rest.
Peace, purity, bliss, happiness and love,
Empathy, nonviolence they act as glove. [5]

Transaction in bank is on give take cash,
In banks of poems we seek God's stash.
Co-operation develops in both of banks,
Devine qualities develop in God's tanks. [6]

Kumarmani Mahakul


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