Savita Tyagi - Smile Not For All

2014-10-29 9

Friendly smile a lovely gift to exchange
Yet frown is what is found in abundance
Behind their vacant faces and strange look
Prisoners in their hard shell they harbor
A world of anger and suspicion
A mind harden of distrust takes no
Comfort in cheery spontaneous vibes
Coming face to face with such kind
Hold on to your precious smile
Restrain your impulse to be a
Goodwill ambassador for all
You may not be able to understand
The pain of what life stole from them
So never mind the callous looks and move on
Right around the corner is someone
Lonely and desperate for a kind look
Struggling to carry on with the day
Needing support but hoping for none
Him is the one you need to impart
Your smile and your kindness
In the chaotic life of impersonal cities
Among crowd full of strangers
Hard pressed can be one
To find a soul to share a laugh
Be kind to yourself in your silence
Rejoice and succumb not to sadness
Cultivate joy and happiness
A joyful heart sends loving waves
Like sun spreading its light
Across cosmos day and night.

Savita Tyagi

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