The candle flickers on the table
creating a soft warm glow
in a dimly lit restaurant
with the main lights turned low.
The table was set for two
but one chair was bare
while in the other sat
a man with sad face.
They had sat there many times
as the years passed on their way
and always together
they sat opposite on another.
Now she was gone
the angels took her away
and he sits all alone
as a tribute to her.
It is a ritual he does
each and every week.
He feels she is still there
as in the candle light he waits.
He remembers all the times
though the years that
they enjoyed together
and they will remain with him forever.
Every now and then
he looks up at the candle
and catches a glimpse
of her sitting there.
She has never left him,
but waits for him
to be reunited again
on the other side.
6 September 2014
David Harris