unwraps her
Kit Kat bar
and breaks off
a finger
and eats it
I watch her
like some pup
hoping she
will break off
a finger?
for Benny
it's morning
the sun bright
coming through
the narrow gap
between flats
she bites off
more finger
her small teeth
less white now
want a bit??
she asks me
half finger
that'd be nice
I reply
I take it
and mouth it
and eat it
of biscuit
and sweetness
she eats more
as we walk
through the Square
my sister's
informs me
you stole it??
borrowed it
I'll buy one
just for her
when I can
does she know??
I ask her
not just yet
but I will
I promise
she gives me
a finger
of chocolate
I'm paid off
now she eats
the last piece
screwing up
the paper
she puts it
in the small
dress pocket
it's all gone
we the two
of the crime
lick our lips
and walk on
it was nice
the feeling
the warm taste
crisp biscuit
won't she know??
I ask her
not just yet
too busy
in our bed
she tells me
with the Spiv
smart boyfriend
we walk down
the wide slope
from the Square
gazing up
Meadow Row
where the Sun
smiles at us
Terry Collett