Dimitri Jagodinski - Demon named Depression

2014-10-29 34

Down and low
Sinking in darkness
Pushing away all loved ones
Listening to a voice silently saying
There is no hope
There is no way to win
Entering a dark room
The door shuts behind
The windows draped
Blocking any ray of light
Despair builds
Desire hope and faith long gone
Death standing by with an eerie grin
Pointing to the path of the Devil's land
Nothing matters anymore
The battle is lost
Joy is but an illusion
Beauty a figment of imagination
At the end of the path
A ferry boat awaits on the river Hades
The ferry caption beckoning
With his bony hand
The fee paid by submission
As the captain oars the boat into the current
Demons are lined up along the banks
Taunting and laughing
Shouting praises to Depression
Waiting for an execution of the soul
Waiting for their new minion
Depression victorious again
Satan smiles with approval and pride
For he know Depression kills left and right

Dimitri Jagodinski
