Poetic Lilly Emery - Among Dreams and Poetry

2014-10-29 14

Among dreams and poetry
The pleasures is what it brings to me,

As I sleep I dream deep dark drama
or Love and joy I would like to share
in the poetry world who reads and cares,

When I write a new world comes across
my writers mind of all kinds of words and pictures
that makes the poem world come alive
that we write and read that captures dreams,

Oh what pleasure it brings to a world that reads poetry
the feelings too pass along
I had never had known what I had locked away
in the back of my brain cage,

But when I start to write my other world
comes rushing in like the deep dark wind
the words that touch my vocal chords
I write like a cold storm too pass on into the
world of Poetry.

Lilly Emery
This is my words when I write

Poetic Lilly Emery
