Pintu Mahakul - Water You Flow Up

2014-10-29 5

Water you ever flow up and also down,
Sometimes you are clear and also brown.
Princess you become prince favour crown,
You wear green, sky blue and cloud gown.

You move in a cycle from ground to the sky,
You do hide in womb of Earth due to shy.
In sorrow in mountain in stream you do cry,
In river you dance beauty nature does buy.

In river and lake and well you become sweet,
You fall from hill top on ground twist your feet.
You become salty in sea while you do meet,
In clouds in strong sparking your light is lit.

Water oh water you flow from down to up,
Flying by your wings you do kiss the hill top.
While you react wrong you are out of imagine,
You come as flood of flash you destroy origin.

In absence of you we cannot live for long,
In excess of you we remain in trouble wrong.
While you come as God's bless you do flow,
In pleasantness you move up and you glow.

Pintu Mahakul