The nature has turned cruel eye
Let people not believe it or try
But something has really gone wrong
It is distressing to all of us as human being
The rain god has turned kind
But the rivers have gone blind
Some parts are really threatened
People are put to inconvenience and are displaced
The heaven on earth that is called 'Kashmir'
It has faced onslaught by rain and water
The dark clouds still bring on
As if rain god has furiously frowned
All rivers are flowing above danger level
Bridges, tunnels have badly to tell
The mountains are giving in to pressure
The land is turning as curse ground for sure
The people know the reason for wrath
The peaceful valley has seen many innocent deaths
The soldiers have saves thousands who were marooned
Shifted to safe places and dined
Let us introspect our souls and act
The holy land must maintain its character in fact
It should never convert into terrorist bed
The people must rejoice freedom and lead
hasmukh amathalal