Pradip Chattopadhyay - When poems were lived

2014-10-29 2

Tell you the truth the ones in teen
There was a time I was your age
When I didn't yield to the words' din
Spent not the days pouring on page!

But passed hours in the nooks of noon
Smelling old books sniffing at dreams
Rode my wings to the diurnal moon
Never on page poured ink's streams!

Fought many battles with enemy unseen
soared high up to the depth of sky
With ease painted the needed scene
Jotting them down I never did try!

I loved to love the girl next door
Though hadn't ever seen clearly her face
Imagined myself the princely amour
And she my heart's pretty princess!

I spent much time in a world my own
On trails of mystery and missing link
Might have yearned inside a poet to be grown
I didn't waste time staining paper with ink!

Pradip Chattopadhyay