R.I.P Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou You are one of my
Favorite Poets I know heart and soul
Maya Angelou they will writ you
down in history no lies attached
Every head has a poem in their heart
You ever wrote
Your words are strong and true
You may write down in history
With no bitter, twisted lies
Your name Maya Angelou touch all
our souls of a Poet we all know
Your words are bold
others may tread you in the very dirt
But still, like dust, you will rise
Your words will stand strong
Your Ink has been written in history
A name You had made for yourself
Miss Maya Angelou
A woman Poet of truth of heart
We all will miss you
But we will never forget You
Dust thou you art
to dust you will go
Pain is all gone
And sleep this beautiful Poet will get
The day is done and the night is young
This poet is gone home.
Lilly Emery
R.I.P Maya Angelou
Poetic Lilly Emery