Let us come and hear the time's tom -tom,
Where are you all please come and come.
Papers after papers as joins viscous gum,
Come on in a manner people form a form.
Judge dear judge on unrighteous work,
Play in middle miracle playing your fork.
Gathering brings here progressive lurk,
Still then everywhere spreads the murk.
Increasing violence breaks the light,
People for small incidence always fight.
How can this take up how can it bright?
Always in day comes unexpected night.
Time does ring and sing time does dance,
Time is the path of life brings the chance.
Time keeps record of truth at a glance,
Time starts the life time does enhance.
Drum of time sounds much oh dear come,
Where are you run and run oh dear chum.
Rain drops fall on you do wash your scum,
Verses of God does chant time's tom-tom.
Pintu Mahakul