Poetic Lilly Emery - Manuscript

2014-10-29 15

The volume is being written
the series of Dark Angel and Moonlight
who seeks to uncover the secrets of her faith
Dark Angel the darkness of lies haunt
her day and night.

He is the angel of ancient darkness
of the lost manuscripts
The carved in the hate all over the place
of a love gone bad.

Dark Angel losses his mind
A Manuscript of his kind has been written to turn
the faith of true light
of true love to a nasty dark lies,

He makes traps to draw in his victims
It's true when love can make one blind
the image of evil thoughts come to plot,

When the heart has been broken
The cuts get deeper at ones heart
Love is forever lost,

Dark Angel; finds love is more complicated then he
could had ever known
true love never dyes nor ever grows old.

Dark Angel; a scanners manuscript of his own
of all his lies and traps
He had played so many times on Moonlights mind
The head games that had been eating at her soul
to beat her down.

But he could never take her true vision of the
higher ground of true nature of love.

Lilly Emery 11-12-99

Poetic Lilly Emery
