Man and his dream
Nubile bodies and syrupy lips
Soft tender flesh in satiny caresses
Hips that can bear both man and his legacy
A woman at the last milepost of girl
To usher in melodious love making
Where two bodies crash to heal
In the confinements of a ring
Yet bring me an older woman
A tigress in the skin of a cougar
Where the miles are tiled in wrinkles
Where the fragrance of spring is long lost
Give me her, to love and cherish
Who has loved like the surf of a river
Who has cried like the wail of the monsoon
A soul that has seen the wrath of tempests
A soil that has been ploughed and fallowed
A woman that is age-carved yet time-preserved
A beauty that rests in the perfection of her imperfections
- Emergent lines, layered insulation and creased lips
A woman that has seen it all and done it all
A colonial church with a crumbling alter
Withered and cracked, pealed and unsealed
Waiting for one last candle to be lit
To witness her timeless elegance
A rugged old church with open lips and open thighs
That will break your body and spill your wine
To be evangelized by her body in the creed of bliss
An older woman drowning me
In that river called Oedipus
Dilantha Gunawardana