Pijush Biswas - Who Demand On The God's Lance

2014-10-29 0

On the mountain, beside a rivulet a temple
Conveys the holy pilgrimages, but the hilly dale
On her rude will falls them into her rude privacy
And they forget the past as does a daisy.
Alone, into the sun they look and hail
If ever they be exhausted, to the temple crawl.

They run between life and death, but never be empty
In heart and mind; they struck down be, but be at lofty
No the reason ever shown and shout, no the reason
May hollow them; so least, they touch the crown.
The labours of days to days life seem to be fine
When tears turn to diamond, and the God they win.

The purity is a diamond that always touches a real diamond
Sorrow and pain of life be dispersed, if the bond
Between the God and men be ever high in this world
So, 'Great he is who has great belief in the God', forever told.
A man who shines in human life demands on the God's lance,
Shines in use when comes offence.

Pijush Biswas
