Darlene Walsh - Why Do Turtles Cross The Road?

2014-10-29 4

Why do turtles cross the road
Can an answer ever be found
So I sat upon a tuft of grass
Between a road of dirt and a pond

I sat and sat for hours and hours
Waiting for a turtle to appear
Then out of the pond one did come
Speeding up the bank he ran

I watched and watched as he did run
A full point two miles a day
Between the pond and road he dashed
I knew he soon would cross

After an hour he finally arrived
And stopped to look around
Unsure that he was safe and sound
He stopped and shook his head

Afraid to cross a wide open space
He avoided stepping off the grass
Then rushed along the edge of the road
A full point two miles a day

He traveled a while on his way
Then his day grew suddenly gray
Looking up he saw a frightful sight
A gray mountain coming his way

So rashly he rushed across the road
Away from the elephants crushing path
He put on great speed as he rushed along
A full point three miles a day

He just barely attained the other side
As the gray mountain passed him by
As I watched I was sure I now knew
'Why do turtles cross the road? '

So as you walk and happen to see
A turtle crossing the road
Look both ways and stand carefully back
Or an elephant will crush you fast

Darlene Walsh
