The sad reality of Ferguson
Tragedy is any death
A young man was shot and killed
But before the investigation was over
Zealots stormed the room
Black zealots and white zealots
Racism Racism cried the few
Inciting violence
Justifying looting
Destroying whatever lay in their way
Racism Racism they cried louder
Not allowing time for the truth
Was the cop at fault
Or was it the fault of the young man
Most people are good
They wait for the truth to be answered
Then judgment can be held
Who was at fault can be accountable
Justice is served
Does not matter now
Violence overtook the land
More victims are claimed
Chaotic destruction
More shootings
More arrests
More lies to escalate the madness
The truly innocent are hurt and raped
Because the zealots are in the wake
The facts become fodder
Because the zealots scream louder
Both parties guilty
The few whites and blacks
Who cannot wait to attack
Find this to be there open door
However please remember most people are good
No matter what color
And faith needs to be restored
Dimitri Jagodinski