Punctured Beauty
the flesh punctures.
I wipe the blood away.
the phenix within me is felt
transcending my very being,
while the blood drips away
hypnotized with each caress. A refined sin,
more tantalizing than the sweetest ecstasy.
the death stare of a lion's eyes;
no match for the luscious sanguine taste,
that now rests in me.
I wipe the blood away.
the punctured skin
justifies my appetite,
as blood drips on the
soft, supple, silky pale skin.
I wipe the blood away.
my hunger for more
dimmed only by the alluring sight of blood
seeping through the torn flesh. I feel zoetic.
The blood seductively drips off
from the ruptured flesh I savor.
the blood drips away
Minas Harutunian