Nehemiah Theophylus Haokip - The night

2014-10-29 0

The night
The goes away with sounds
But night returns with silent
The grave on the town
So near to me
The cries of the kitten
Convert the sound into baby cries
The sense of a men walking behind me
Makes me turn back every times
But when I turn
The sound suddenly goes away
When the place were so ubiety
Sometime someone giggle with fear
Perhaps I was not the one
The bats flies around
And dogs bark the spirits
And the silent wind blow
With a tune of melancholic
I was the one walking alone
On the silent grave side
My shadow was on the ground
Nothings seems to hold me
When I got tempted by those flowers
And moment I across the grave
An old lady walks with me till the rivers.

By Nehemiah Theophylus Haokip

By Nehemiah Theophylus Haokip
Date of Birth 28-12-1997
Address 40 V/C Vaivakawn, Zotlang, Aizawl,

Email ID
Contavt No; +919612146556

Nehemiah Theophylus Haokip