If I was a bear I think you'll barely love me.
If I was a deer you may dearly love me.
But I dare you to love me as a bear because a deer cannot last a year in the wild.
Love me like a teddy-bear though I'm huge, ugly and possess sharp teeth.
Underneath those horrible features I'm calm, tender and sweet.
You just have to look deep beneath.
If you love me for the monster that I am,
I'll love you like a princess, you'll be my beauty forever.
I'll protect you from the wolves and lions.
And I'll shelter you from the storms.
When you are afraid you'll feel safe and secure in my arms.
Love me for I'm a champion, love me for I'm a hunter.
Love me for I'm a veteran, love me for I'm a survivor.
When a bear falls in love it's a very hard fall.
When a bear make his vows it overrides all.
I'm the true king of the jungle, you can be my queen if you truly believe in me.
I can leap over cliffs, I can swim through the deeps, just for you.
I'm a bear that care please don't choose the deer.
If he keep steering at you we can have him for supper.
It's my one and only duty to treat you like a woman.
Under my bear skin is a strong African man.
All I ask is that you look beneath the bear,
And love me truly so a prince can appear.
devon da poet