The universe is designed to be ruled by power,
Here might is right and mighty is the ruler,
The weak has to pass his life as a slave,
How nice he may be how worthy and brave,
The weapons outclass his morale and braveness,
The cowards invented to feed their madness,
To exploit the resources of weak petty people,
How badly they are treated being weak and feeble,
Not only men but animals and trees and all the earth,
Have lost their grander have lost their worth,
Men are treated like insects and reptiles,
Palaces have blood in their beauty of tiles,
But the merciless time ne'er spares anyone,
The weak stands and the done is undone,
Thousand years it may take but they become wild animals,
The descendants pay back the snatches of criminals
The history has preserved all crimes of the might,
For the time being their might was right,
And the violent adventures are now facing the revenge,
Descendents of victims are pleased with avenge.
Man will never improve his behave,
He is the same man who lived in a cave.
Why the poet is aggrieved his end is near?
Just for descendents of my children my dear!
Akhtar Jawad