Humble morning, simple day,
Casual talk, yet unusual,
Brightly smile, usual sway,
Unintentional, was his crucial.
Close to me, on passing by,
Tossing smiles, being amusing,
Pretty astonished, by this guy,
All my sense, I was losing,
Such a gentleman, was a magnet,
Provocation, to my struggle,
Seeing once more, this banquet,
Yet, resisting to his snuggle,
Such a moment, was my price,
Not trespassing, on my rank,
Him a single, me a wife,
First my honor, then my swank.
No, I couldn't kiss, that hunk,
Let him pass me, to the door,
Looking good, I fought my spunk,
Dropping tear, saw him no more.
Zoila T. Flores