Omar Osman Jabak - A Spider Friend

2014-10-29 7

I thought we were friends, true to each other.
I thought he was more than my own brother.
He was very kind to me, and I was even kinder.
He helped me a little and I was a better helper.
But when he didn't benefit from me any longer.
He turned his back on me just like any stranger.
I felt betrayed, forsaken, and pain was greater.
I wondered how fast he turned into a hater!
I wondered how he lived as a fabricator!
His life was false and he was so big a faker!
He could've been a friend, a man, not a traitor!
I wondered why he chose to be a killer spider.
Those falling in the net took him for a liberator.
Those surviving it knew he was a terminator.


Omar Osman Jabak