O death, be merciful
Our houses are full
There is no space to keep death bodies
We all mourn the death and weep among families
The sky daily showers death
Yet we have lost no faith
One day may turn the leave
The sun may shine for us to believe
Is it so difficult?
For world to decide and build
The stable state with secured boundary
To alleviate he sufferings of people living in misery
The dead bodies are waiting for cremation
They are stored in fridge for preservation
Long queues are seen for ceremonial burial
Has the wise world any cause for denial?
I pray and bow down
Before almighty and own
All my wrong doings
But pray for blessings
'Spare us from cruel deaths'
What have we done with our faith?
We are asking freedom with life
One nation sans struggle and strife
hasmukh amathalal