Fare thee well, my old friend.
I've suddenly realised -
I haven't needed you in a long time -
You're part of my life no longer.
I still see you everywhere -
In the street - outside the pub -
At the bus stop - waiting for me -
Seductively - in the corner shop.
You are always trying -
To temp me back -
Into your arms once more.
But I am wise to your dirty tricks.
Nobody likes changing habits -
And I admit -
That at times I have been tempted, to return -
To your overpowering embrace and controlling ways.
But time has confirmed -
What I have always secretly known.
That I am better off without you -
Your intentions were never entirely honourable.
So fare thee well, my old foe,
Cheerio, to money wasted, health complications -
Stained teeth and fingers, stinking ashtrays and clothes.
Fare thee well cigarettes. You are my friend no longer.
bryan wallace