Piyush Dey - Dear Life! I'm not mad at you

2014-10-29 12

Dear Life! I'm not mad at you,
just a little weary...
Stumped by the seemingly innocent
questions you keep throwing at me
Somehow I never thought that
I'll have to handle pains in order to live happily
Never realized that I'll
have to pay a debt for each smile
Now every time I smile,
I am reminded of the debt
that's weighing on my lips.

Dear Life! But it's not as if
these pains are without purpose...
Because each pain makes me aware of
things I never noticed before...
It is only in the scorching heat that
we come to know of the relief a cool shade brings.

So today, if my eyes well up,
I'll cry as long as I want to
Because who knows,
tomorrow I may long for these very tears
And then, where will I look for this lone tear drop,
That I had hidden away for so long?

Piyush Dey
