I picked two leaves off a tree
And folded them
Until they appeared as
Puckered lips.
Like Snow White
Cheating death from a kiss
They began speaking.
'What kinda lips
Do you think I am? '
I shrugged my shoulders.
'Well let me give you a hint...
...If you split me open
And touch the patriot within
My Kegel muscles will swell.'
'What does it feel like? '
I asked.
'I am a taxidermy, baby,
Stuffed with live crickets.'
The lips said.
'The thing is,
The bugs under my skin
Are real.'
I never spoke to The Lips again,
After that.
But I did see it on the news,
Weeks later.
Some news anchor
With a gray-haired comb over,
Faced the camera with a stern, practiced, look.
He cleared his throat and said:
'Tonight's top story!
A pair of lips was spotted today
At SunnySide Graveyard.
Apparently The Lips dug up corpses.
Then pretended to nurse them
Using dead crickets
As a substitute for nipples.
Officer John WhoReallyCares
Had this to say:
'Oh yah. Got 'em Doe Eyed,
With this wad of hair
Underneath 'em.
Like the lips had been
Stroking the hair
From their heads.'
A preliminary hearing is scheduled
Later this week.'
The Lips hanged itself
Inside the jail cell.
The perplexing part,
Was that it had no neck
From which to wrap a noose around.
The guards were happy, however.
For after it died
It defecated potpourri.
That made the block of holding cells
Smell like roses for a week.
A.j. Binash