Hebert Logerie - The Self-published Poets

2014-10-29 1

These modern Scribes take orders
From nobody
They‘re unafraid to fight big brothers
And big sisters
They take no prisoners
And no sinners
They embody
The essence of writing
Of expressing their thoughts freely
And their feelings bravely
Without fearing
Of being persecuted or prosecuted
For exposing
The inequities or the unfairness
Of the system
These special Writers are truly blessed
To defeat the emblem
Of injustice, discrimination
Bullyism and false accusation
They celebrate Peace, Harmony and Love
And glorify the Almighty above.

These great Poets
Will never follow the puppets
And the muffets
They are special Prophets
Sent by the Supreme Almighty
To express the veracity
Of everything under the Sun
And of everyone under the Moon
They simply tell the truth about the nature
Of things, and they love Mother Nature
These special Poets take orders
From no one, they fight the dangers
Of life daily, voluntarily,
Freely and bravely
They're unafraid to expose the mainstream puppets
The unscrupulous muffets
And the parrots of the big institutions
I love these Poets; they take actions
They fight fairly with a passion
With an unthinkable beauty
Voluntarily and heroically
And with an unusual poetic compassion
Let toll the bells, let toll the bells
Let's honor these great Poets
Propagate their tales
Follow their trails
Ring again, and again the bells
In tribute to these special Prophets.

Hebert Logerie
