hasmukh amathalal - Storm In Tea Cup

2014-10-29 3

Do the writers and thinkers
Have freedom to offer
Some ideas across table
To those who are waging senseless struggle?

Do they serve national interest?
When take risk for acid test
Especially when taken on personal capacity
Where entire people are concerned in country?

There is hue and cry over personal interview?
That took place in foreign land and known to few
The most wanted terrorist Hafez Sayyad* is talking liberal
The reported is taking notes on arrival

Is the meeting worth condemnation?
Has it got bad test for relation?
In past too, Daud Ibhrahim* was interviewed by pressmen?
No hue and cry was raised as now done

Some channels are used privately
That comes to light very lately
We find their disclosure in memoirs
How can this meeting be called unfair?

Reject if not suiting to country
Accept and venture if suits really
The pressmen should not be subjected to harassment
It is considered as black spot on freedom statement

*Hafeez saiyeed… Master mind behind Bombay blast
*Daud ibhrahin…Notorious smuggler and serious blast accuser

hasmukh amathalal
