hasmukh amathalal - Peace movement

2014-10-29 0

Let poets unite all over
Think coolly and offer
Their contribution for people
Who are waging just struggle

It is senseless
To snatch cheers from face
Make life miserable
And add endless troubles

It is biggest crime
And shame
To cause bloodshed
And openly lead

It is no crusade
But shadow
Of fear and tyranny
That may be disliked even by almighty

People too should be blamed
And condemned
For their blind following
In faith that helps atrocities and allowing

Unity may help to large extent
The national feeling should be present
Let people may belong to any faith or belief
The majority should always provide relief

"To die for stupid cause" is cowardice
Which religion is offering such promise?
That they will be looked after
When so much blood is spilled all over

If territory is cause
Let us sit over and pause
Think for while and come with peace settlement
The peace and only peace should be the movement

hasmukh amathalal
