But in their latest video, which has shot to number one on the YouTube UK chart, Brooklyn brothers E.T. and Moe Etayyim ask strangers for food as part of a social experiment.
They are, unsurprisingly, rebuffed.
‘I worked for this, dawg,’ the first man says, after one of the brothers approaches him and asks for a slice.
‘Nah, nah, get the f*** out of here,’ is another man’s response.
And then the video gets interesting.
E.T. gives a half-finished pizza to a homeless man on the side of the pavement, only for Moe to come twenty minutes later and ask him for a slice.
The homeless man obliges instantly and, when the slice is finished, his kindness is rewarded – with a wad of cash.
As the homeless man becomes overwhelmed and struggles to fight back tears, a message is displayed:
‘The things we get in life can make us a living… the things we give to people can make a life. Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping them up.’