Gangadharan nair Pulingat.. - Soul Searching.

2014-10-29 5

Oh! Diogenes the most enlightened one
Have you seen a man of truth and such character
The real human being you tried to find out
You were gained such attention through your methods

To find out the real man from the group of men
In the light of the lamp you carried
But surely you might not have seen such a man
Who was the real man having such exemplary
In character, truth, and wise also non violent

Still beloved thinker statesman who fought injustice
Who tried to find out the real meaning of life
Oh! Diogenes will you come to this beautiful world
Of land and people of such various diversities

Still the problem persists and may it not possible
To find out the real man in your visions among us
The real man is still far away in the infinite
To be born to a revered mother somewhere
We can expect the perfect human being as a vision
Not in the terms of revered souls and their thoughts

The real human being who loves the entire universe
Without motives, enemies, pride and arrogance
Where he considers the entire human being as one
Oh! Diogenes in such a world your vision may fulfill
The human being you sought after by the magic lamp.

Gangadharan nair Pulingat..