I am a Traveller through all lives.
A restless soul in a body that struggles with physicality.
Frustration, tears and sunshine
Mingle together down the annals of time.
Whichever has "the floor" will show its face,
Only to change as a kaleidoscope changes colour,
For there is no difference; our soul energies; the chakras
They are the kaleidoscope.
They are as the ever changing rainbow
Within my multitude of lives.
I am a traveller; I travel all universes,
All times and all levels,
For I plough my own furrow,
And dance to my own drum beat,
With others by my side, though not often.
Will I always be a traveller?
Oh yes; I shall travel the interminable
Circles and spirals of life, and we shall meet again.
Look out for me!
Rosi Caswell