Satanic verses
Alcohol is near
And the glass and goblet
And sweets and dancers
In the dark with candles
Let’s be true I am tipsier
On the floor, I am fallen.
Falun Gong
Jesuits of Catholics
And saint-ship
Then plane and blast
I am lost
Lost in world of the thoughts
But no, no, not drunk of alcohol
I’m tipsy with right/wrong
Politics and powers
The actions-reactions
Take overs with the rapes and slaves
“They were wrong; we oppose.”
They tell me of parents; their fathers
“We are right; follow us.”
They insist both with words and prone
I’m drunk and I howl
Lying down on the floor
Unable to move on
“Your parents (Their parents)
Said the same; did the same
With their guns, not drone
They stole all our rights”
“Leave me alone” I hear
I’m shouting at the demons.
Nassy Fesharaki