Nicole GravellPellerino - My Nephew

2014-10-29 4

My newborn nephew
Born with eyes so bright
You fill this world
With such joy and delight
Your heart is gentle and
Your smile is sweet
You bring endless joy
To those you meet

Guided by your parent’s
Gentle and loving hand
Your life
Will be quite grand
Your life has just begun
You’ll always shine
Like the midday sun

As the Moment pass
Your soul will grow
To learn the life lessons
You didn’t know
You will trip and stumble
And yet you’ll still rise above
You’re heart will break
And you’ll fall in love

Yet, through it all
You’ll remain
A link
Within the family chain
The bonds
Shall strengthen over time
No matter
The mountains you shall climb

My newborn nephew
Born with eyes so bright
You’re indeed
A marvelous sight
Your skin soft
Your features so small
But loved you are
By all

Tears of joy surely fell
From angels eyes
The day you were sent to earth
They embraced you with bittersweet goodbyes
My newborn nephew
Born with eyes so bright
You fill the world
With a new delight

Nicole GravellPellerino