Dr John Celes - Happy Birthday, Dear Sister

2014-10-29 1

God chooses souls He made
To serve His special aim,
For glory of His name,
And heaven’s plans, well-laid.

Our loving Father God,
Does understand the strife
That threatens earthly life,
With undue, harsh a rod.

The crosses God allows
Never exceeds our strength,
And earthly life-span’s length,
Will-power, He endows.

God knows each vessel’s make,
And cracks and holes in clay,
Even before the day,
He endeavored to bake.

Let faith not mitigate
And change our righteous road,
But encourage and goad
On, through the narrow Gate.

The God who is with us
Will never us forsake,
In any lane we take
Or permit any curse.

His love put death in grave,
And helped redeem all men,
Befitting us heaven
If souls can well behave.

Therefore, let us not fear
Our trials, lurking death,
As God ensures our mirth,
To upright souls so dear.

Just trust in God and walk
The extra mile, we must,
Although we are from dust,
And Tempter’s shadows stalk.

God has ensured our win;
Our burdens are but light;
Our wars, our Lord will fight,
Forgiving souls, all sin.

The Lord protects and guides;
He is our shield, refuge;
Impregnable fort, huge;
All fate, His Word decides!

Dr John Celes


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