Jim Yerman - Political Ads

2014-10-29 3

Is there an election around the corner? I didn’t think so but there must be
Because I’m starting to see political ads airing on TV.

The ads show the candidate with an angelic smile beaming on his or her face
Attempting to show their good side as they enter the political race.

You see the ad and think, “There’s a person who’s honest, wise and smart.”
And if the ad is accurate, has a kind and gentle heart.

“I’ll vote for him or her, ” you say, for our political climate has been strange
And it’s great to finally find a candidate who promises a change.

But then you see conflicting ads that say these candidates are bad
And you find the candidate you liked at first has, indeed, approved this ad.

The candidate you thought you’d vote for now makes you feel uneasy
And that angelic smile you liked at first now seems a little sleazy.

Once again you realize each candidate has ads meant to agitate and inflame
And the climate you thought was changing has, indeed, remained the same.

I wish all political ads could be written, filmed and eventually shown
By independent organizations with no agenda of their own.

That way it might be possible for us, our candidates to explore
And truly know the person who we’ll be voting for.

Until then when a political ad pops up as quickly as can be
I’ll close my eyes, feel for my remote then change the channel on my TV.

Jim Yerman
