driven in the
misery of solitute, by an
uncladed ferocious race.Be it
looks, i may attest, but sun rays
my face did glad.In dark clouds my fingers did dance, hoping to
find a straying ant, for a glance
solemn warmt shall veer, to
that friggid shadow in space.oh!
I searched, i dug, i gaze, but no
phantom my palms did clasp.oh! I stood still like a
statue, maroond on a desert
land.Now all hopes have flown
away, and my sanity, i called
lost.Now all courage have sailed
away, and the shore of fears i stand.Caged by this horrendous
rage, my fluttering mind did
stand undaunted.For this flesh the
dust cleaves not, and with that all
hopes rovered on.A blissful wind
came blowing still-my soul good joy did fill.A loudful din of
rumbling thunders-the forms
sends forth wonders.Awestruck
at this glorious sight, my heart
geared up in fright.I rose my
hands, high up divine, 'this pleasure is al mine'.A feathered
quill came dangling by-my soul
in glory shone.Grabbing, from this
salient sky, my life! My world! My
throne.Now i know i stand
aloof, but with a feathered quill; just a feathered quill to
prove, i stand but not
cloudless day, in moonless night-
my quill i grasp so
turbulent times it
came, altering my paper to fame. When my world seems
lame and vaque-my brow begins
to shake.A feathered quil came
dangling by-my soul in glory
shone.Grabbing from this salient
chibuike emmanuel