Simon Quperlier - Sitting Under The Family Tree

2014-10-29 6

My grandma planted a seed of joy
and it grew to be a family tree
but prior to the remarkable development
my grandpa nurtured the seed with wisdom
and every morning the foliage sprouted
with a promising colour of chlorophyll
unpollinated flowers danced in their purity
the flowers of kismet and blessings
as if haunted
bees never huddled
except butterflies like tiny angels
which anointed the stem
so it could grow
longer and stronger
no whirlwind could sweep it away
the branches and twigs have become mature now
mature enough to hold the fruits
fruits endowed with wisdom
and I'm one with the gift of poetry
now my grandparents are seated
under the roots of the family tree
ensuring it's never faliing

Simon Quperlier