Secrets Of The Dark - The Lonely Star Gazer

2014-10-29 18

I hurt but I feel no pain. I cry but you see no tears. But what you see is a happy girl. But her heart is broken. And her homes not a home. Her smiles just a mask. Covering her pain and her bloodshot eyes. She wants to runaway, but there's no place to go. She looks in the mirror, everyday. And what she sees is her true reflection. A sad girl, who's fighting to survive, anoghter day. Though it starts with a nightmare and ends the same, every time. She still comes back home. She just wants to cry. But there's nothing left for her to cry. With no place to go. She stays up at night. Escaping out her window, to stare at the stars. Up in the night sky, not alone. Only to make silent wishes on shooting stars. Wishing for just one thing every time. Hoping that when she opens her closed eyes, that there might be some change in her life.
Someone to save her
Someone to love her
Someone to hold her
To never let go
A place that she can call home
A smile that's real
A new reflection, without bloodshot eyes
A change in her life.

Secrets Of The Dark

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