R. K. Hart - Heavens Rewarding Crowns

2014-10-29 9

Imagine wearing one or more of heavens crowns,
Makes one think in quizzical frowns.
Unbelievable, impossible, how could it be,
That a crown should be gifted to such as me.

Imperishable, for those who run life’s race,
Those who fail not their Lord of grace.
Awards given here on earth will fade and decay,
Heavens Crown of Faith ever bright fades not away.

We Christians have so much in which to rejoice,
Blessings we have in heaps should cause joyous voice.
This crown given to those who rejoice in the Lord,
To those who rejoice heavens inhabitants applaud.

Next a Crown of righteousness is a hard one to earn,
And yet one for which we greatly yearn.
For thought and prayer life, obedience and love,
This Crown Righteousness is earned from heaven above.

A Crown of glory will be given the feeder of the flock,
Called to feed any flock, just obey the Spirits knock.
Be a pastor, be teacher and do the shepherding wonderfully,
A Crown of Glory awaits bejeweled for the trustworthy.

The Crown of life is awarded to the man who endures temptations,
Endure the trials of life, the devils darts and his tribulations.
This crown is given only to those who have suffered,
To those who have survived after being buffeted.

So Christian hear my word,
And about your self Gods armor gird.
Moreover, when you do walk in with Christ in accord,
And a crown you will receive from your Lord.

R. K. Hart
