Shanika marini Paul - True love

2014-10-29 14

Awaken True love! Awaken!

Thine eyes doth remain
Soon clouding in blindness and vain
For it is she, you must seek to seize
Her love now walled with angered hurt

Awaken! I pray! Awaken!
For it is she who loved thee then
It is she who will love thee till life’s end
Her heart now poisoned by pain’s desert

Granted did thee take life’s bliss
Hardly awakening to realities kill
When? I prey did thou applaud
Her tireless task so kindly performed

Awaken! I prey! Awaken!
For her love unveils into the gash
Praise her, Love her, , appreciate her, adore her
For life will be but an empty shell
With love’s true form surrendering to death.

Shanika Paul

From the collection of Poetry on humanity
U/graduate BA English(OUSL) , ADIE(UK) , ACIE(OUSL) , DIP; AMI/PSY(Cambridge) Trained Teacher(IMSD)

Shanika marini Paul