S. Nadia Azam Shah Bukhari - Where Is Peace

2014-10-29 13

World in progress racing fast
Every thing but peace is lost

Nights are bright like day time
No peace of mind though world is rise

Hearts are hopeless, fear in voice
No peace of minds though world is wise

In the noisy world of today
To some extent there is comfort
But peace of mind is very short

In miser world of today
Money is every thing
Corruption is success ring

In this cruel world of today
Atom bomb is devil king
Hen blasts off ruins every thing

In this dark world of today
Where world is flourishing at high rank
But they should know very soon it will sink

Thoughts are materialistic minds are confused
Every face is haggard and by heart very rigid

Far away from nature
Like a stooge and puppets in theater

World in progress racing fast
Every thing but peace is lost

Can you tell me where is peace?
Except Allah (God) nothing can make us please.

S. Nadia Azam Shah Bukhari
