Raken Marimuthu - Borrowed Time

2014-10-29 47

I have seen yesterday
And I love today
I am not worried about tomorrow
For all the days are borrowed days
Every second, minutes and hours are borrowed
From the Almighty master called 'Time'
The ceaseless ruler of this whole universe
I want to be optimistic and live for tomorrow
But I know the next moment is uncertain
I may collapse of the killer heart attack
There may be a Tsunami, and earth quake
Anything may happen to me untold
I am like the well fed lamb for the slaughter
Alas! How ignorant am I living in this world
Being so egoistic I am oblivion to the truth
That Death may come if not now, later
If not later it will definitely and surely come
My job is simply to say 'Readiness is all'
And if life is so uncertain why all the fuss
The savings, hoardings and competing
Like machines mankind is running like mad
Brother betraying brothers, man killing man
Everything is in a mess in this mundane world
Why is this so? You have food for thought
Think what is permanent and transient
Do not look out for the eternal answer
Look within thyself and talk to your conscience
You will make good use of this borrowed time

Raken Marimuthu


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