The Indian nation celebrates
Another Independence Day;
The jubilation nev’r abates,
As tricolour goes up in grand a way!
The thought of how freedom was won
Afills the Indian minds and hearts;
Mere patriotic speeches and fun
Will mark the day in various Indian parts!
Despite the problems much galore,
The country has made giant strides;
If united and hard-working more,
We’ll conquer peaks and subdue angry tides!
But love must fill each Indian heart
For Motherland and fellowmen;
When sense of duty comes from the start,
The nation can become a small heaven!
Discipline must be people’s aim;
Sacrifice must run in their veins;
When safety, security brings fame,
Then progress, justice, peace in nation reigns!
The freedom won through great suffering
Must be preserved in every way;
Integration must be our offering,
While celebrating this wonderful day!
Dr John Celes