Nicholas Nikolov - Wonderment

2014-10-29 3

My beautiful ambrosial
sweetheart, I have phenomenal,
unimaginable love with thee. I am taken
by your affectionate eyes and by your golden
everlasting luminous smile that will forever brighten
the darkness in my life; never allowing to darken -
neither you nor I shall permit this to happen.
Your enchanting love - a love most sought - chosen
to grace and bless me; I amazed myself with my brazen
behaviour to have a sweet new love. However, the unforgiven
past lovers remain, though as hard as I might, they're unforgotten. Dreaming of frolicking
along the shores of the ocean,
I want to profess my love for you on top of the highest mountain, which will echo all throughout
and kiss the horizons of the plains
that spread vastly in the valleys. My precious sweetheart,
you rewoven the tapestry of joyous love
in my dormant heart and soul - awaken
it has been. With unquestionable doubt
of loving you my maiden fair,
with all of my passion heartrending. Forsaken
be my soul, if your heart begins to deepen
itself in hurt, if our love one day grievously ends; deafen,
I will, make all doubts and negativity, thus sweeten
our life to always be spent in enraptured love striven.

Nicholas Nikolov